Our featured artist at the Vista Center is Greg Zafiroff.
Greg Zafiroff is a college trained painter of watercolors,acrylics,and
oils. He has worked in the field of art consulting and gallery presentations for over 20 years. He is a strong advocate of the arts and how art can help transform a person's well being. Greg has won art contests and has shown in galleries mainly around the State of Michigan. He will be pleased to get your feedback and possibly entertain an offer on his often-spiritually driven art work. To access his work, please click on the word document, attached below. Vista, and the artist, thank you for taking time to view the work.
Other artists have work in our gallery on site at the center.
Email us and we can send back pics of some samples. Love to hear from you. Email at
cpbeal49@gmail.com, or vistasince85@yahoo.com